Big Monster (Big M)
Not the girl in front, not the man to the left, yes.. it is that smallest one. Why call him Big M?
Because he is like a bull. When he ran, anything along his path would be knocked off, fly off or damage. What happen when he fall? He would fall like a bull too... THUMP!

Small Monster (Small M)
Small M is the main flying object along Big M path! Then why a monster?
Small M has his own secret weapon. When he think you raise your voice, or he feel he is being bullied, or was not being treated fair enough. he can cry..., and cough...,and gag..., until his stomach content spray all over the floor. And when it start, it was unstoppable, until every single thing is out. Sometimes you can see half digested food consumed 3-4 hours ago swimming on the floor.
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