This is a very aromatic cake. The batter is quite thick, therefore the cake is prety dense, but the cake tasted wonderful. Very rich cake, buttery and milky. And it is not too sweet.
Steam Horlicks Cake
250g butter, room temperature
120g caster sugar
5 eggs (medium)
Mix together:
120g condensed milk (I use homemade condensed milk)
50g Strawberry jam or kaya
70g Horlicks
130g plain flour sieved with 1 tsp baking powder
Cream butter and sugar till light and fluffy
Add one egg at a time till well blended
Add straberry jam follow by condensed milk and blend well in slow speed
Fold in Horlicks and flour, stir with spatula till well blended
Spoon the batter into pan cake and cover the top losely with a piece of aluminium foil
Steam medium high for 50-60 minutes
What I did was spooned the batter into cupcake cups and steam for 15 minutes
It actually rised higher than this but settled down after I took it out from steamer. Maybe I over steammed it?