I get this recipe from www.janicetimes.blogspot.com. This is one recipe that I would definately keep.
However, I make a slight changes to it as I further reduce the sugar to 200g and instead of producing 9-inch cake, I have turned it into cupcakes.
190 g butter
200g castor sugar
1/2 can full cream evaporated milk (about 200ml)
2 eggs
1 cup self raising four
1/2 cup good quality cocoa powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1. Prepare your steamer or wok before making the cake
2. (A) combine sugar, evaporated milk and butter in a double boiler. stir over the low heat until sugar dissolved and butter is melted. turn off and leave it to cool.
3. (B) In the meantime, sift the flour, cocoa powder, baking soda into a large mixing bowl
4. Wait for (A) to cool. Then add in the eggs and mix thoroughly.
5.Finally pour (A) mixture into the flour and stir till well combined. (somehow there were lumps in my batter and i have to filter the batter)
6. Pour the batter into the cups (I use aluminium cups) and steam it for 15 minutes . (or 40 minutes if using 9-inch pan)
Before steaming (the batter should be runny)

After Steaming

For the topping:
1/2 can condensed milk
4 tbsp of vegetable oil
20g cocoa powder (sifted)
Combine all the above and stir it over the low heat till the mixture thicken. Once cool pour it over the cake and decorate it.....
As for the topping, I do not follow the above recipe. I make a simple butter cream by combining 4 tbsp of butter, 2 tbsp of icing sugar and 1 tbsp of cocoa powder. Whipped using fork and make sure the cupcakes were fully cool before spreading in on the top.