It has been some time since I update my blog. This is because Old M underwent a 2nd slipped disk operation last Monday, in differrent hospital, with different doctor, of course.
Before the surgery, the new doctor told us that a new slipped disk right after a slipped disk operation does happen, although not often. After the operation, the new doctor asked us questions that for me were quite puzzling.
New doc.: Does your previous operation was done at a short time?
Old M: No, It took about 2 hours too...
New doc: Hmm... I see.. (after a while, he asked again). The disk that he took out, is it in one piece or many pieces?
Old M: Many pieces.
New doc: If the disk was taken out in one piece, we can be sure we have taken out all the slipped disk. If the disk was broken to small pieces, sometimes it can be difficult to see if all the disks were out
Me: Does that means the previous doc did not take all the slipped disk out in the operation as my husband felt the pain only few days after the surgery?
New doc: This s a very good question, but I cannot answer you that...
So,you see, that is why I say it was puzzling. Maybe he saw something or suspected something but dare not say anything for sure? You tell me...
Old M is week after the 2nd op. Doctor says this is expected and it would take longer time to recuperate.